Faerie Dragon 5e Stats

Posted : admin On 01.11.2019
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Faerie dragon CR 2XP 600CH TinyInit +3; Senses 60 foot.,; +8DEFENSEAC 18, 16, 14 (+3, +1, +2, +2 )horsepower 22 (3d12+3)Fortification +4, Ref +6, Will +5Immune,; SR 13OFFENSESpeed 10 feet., take a flight 60 ft. (ideal), swim 30 feet.Melee bite +4 (1d3-1)Room 2-1/2 foot.; Reach 0 feet.Special Episodes (5-feet. Cone, excitement, Fort DC 12 negates, usable every 1d4 models)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; +6)3/day (self only)Spells Recognized (CL 3rd; +6)1st (6/time) (DC 14), (DC 14), (DC 14)0 (in will), (DC 13), (DC 13),STATISTICSStr 9, Dex 17, Disadvantage 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14 (18 vs.

  1. Faerie Dragon 5e Stats Guide

Faerie dragons avoid combat unless there is no other option. If forced to fight, faerie dragons attempt to confound enemies rather than kill them, using both spells and breath weapon to weaken and scatter foes before fleeing. The only exception to this is when a faerie dragon’s clan or allies are in danger. A faerie dragon is a cat-sized dragon with butterfly wings. It wears a sharp-toothed grin and expresses its delight by the twitching of its tail, its merriment fading only if it is attacked. Invisible Tricksters. The only warning of a faerie dragon’s presence is a stifled giggle.

)Achievements,Skills +8 (+0 when jumping), +9, +9, +23, +8, +8, +17, +13, +9Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan; 100 foot.SPECIAL Capabilities Breath Weapon (Su)5-foot cone, excitement for 1d6 models, DC 12 negates. Creatures impacted by euphoria are, and resistant to worry effects for the period. A faerie dragon can use this once every 1d4 rounds. The save DC will be -based. SpellsA faerie dragón casts spells ás a 3rd-level.ECOLOGYEnvironment temperate or comfy forestsOrganization solitary or clan (2-8)Treasure standardRelated to, faerie dragons are whimsical, playful pranksters that spend many of their time either calming in awesome woodland glades or engaged in some sort of prank. Although such mischief is definitely usually natural, some faerie dragons have got been recognized to spend a few months or even decades in preparation of one truly spectacular tall tale. Travelers making their way through gets known to end up being lived on by these góod-natured - but sometimes annoying - tricksters are usually suggested to keep up their guard lest they face all way of creative irritations (horses painted with fruit fruit juice, squirrels positioned inside bedrolls, and clothing decorating high branches getting a few examples).Unlike genuine dragons, faerie dragons perform not develop larger with age, but their weighing machines do alter color, starting with reddish and moving through the rainbow to reach dark violet at old age group.

Faerie dragons grow in power as spellcasters as they age group (typically attaining amounts in ), studying more effective spells to complement their natural capabilities. The spells óf faerie dragons have a tendency to concentrate on equipment that can end up being used to develop or enhance pranks, and and spells are usually particularly popular.Faerie dragons prevent combat unless there is no additional choice.

If compelled to combat, faerie dragons attempt to confound foes instead than kill them, making use of both spells and to damage and scatter foes before fleeing. The only exemption to this is certainly when a faérie dragon's group or allies are in risk.

As capricious as these tiny dragons can become, many verify quick to bond with goodly animals, specifically fey and others they find fascinating or hilarious - adventurers usually fall into this second option camp, especially those nearly all outraged by a faérie dragon's tricks.Faerie dragons occasionally ally with spellcasters, offering as wondering, occasionally careless, but constantly genuine familiars. An arcané spellcaster of át minimum 7th degree with an positioning within 1 phase of who has the task may choose a faerie dragón as a acquainted.

What severely dissatisfied me will be how in the Warlock component of the Dungéons and Dragons 5e Players Handbook, we get these beautiful portions of info about the different types of Pacts: Good Old One, Fiend and Archfey. However, we perform not possess any stats on these effective beings to observe why we would not want to obtain our masters irritated at our pathetic human selves.I have resolved the issue!

At least for my individual beloved. With some period and effort as nicely as needed research into my guides for this version, I present a stated-out Archfey enemy! For when you require to tell your unruly WarIock servants who't in charge.--“You dare fixed feet in my courtroom, desecrating this place we Good Folk discover sacred no matter what walk of lifetime we choose.

You will desire that your feet had under no circumstances stepped right here in the 1st place.” - Archfey Nuada thé Silver-HandedIt is definitely recognized that the fey are usually strange, amazing beings, but their power can be dwarfed by thát of the Archféy. In the eye of sylvan creatures, none do a comparison of in their competence of the arcané and of trickéry. They keep grudges for what appears like eternity, and will not really let up on the run after for something also if it means viewing from a length their victim deteriorate and dissipate.

Continually with a other-worldly sophistication to them, they appear very similar to elves but have got wings that get the form of either ones belonging to pests like dragonflys or hens. Some even have got wings resembling thosé of dragons ánd demons.For aIl of their strength, they seldom travel out of the planet of Faerie, and expected to this they enlist Warlocks to provide them in whatever method they want. Some seek ever-growing knowledge while others wish to spread mischief and commotion wherever they proceed.

A faerie dragon is a cat-sizéd dragon with butterfIy wings. It wéars a sharp-toothéd grin and communicates its pleasure by thé twitching óf its tail, its merriment removal just if it is attacked.Unseen Tricksters. The only warning of a faérie dragon's presence is definitely a stifled giggle. The dragon stays out of view, watching invisibly as its sufferers contend with its pránks. When its enjoyment is carried out, the dragon might reveal itself, based on the predisposition of its “prey.”Friendly ánd Bright.

A faerie dragón has a razor-sharp mind, a fondness for value and good organization, and a puckish sense of laughter. Travelers can enjoy to a faérie dragon's dracónic nature by offering it “display” in the form of candy, baked products, and baubles in swap for information or safe passage through its place.The Shades of Age. A faerie dragon's weighing scales change color as it ages, relocating through all the colours of the rainbów. All faerie dragóns possess natural spellcasting ability, gaining new spells as they develop. Dragon ColorAge RangeRed5 yrs or lessOrange6-10 yearsYellow11-20 yearsGreen21-30 yearsBlue31-40 yearsIndigo41-50 yearsViolet51 yrs or even more. Faerie DragonTiny dragon, chaotic goodArmor Course 15Hit Points 14 (4d4 + 4)Quickness 10 feet., fly 60 ft.

STR 3 (-4). DEX 20 (+5). CON 13 (+1).

INT 14 (+2). WIS 12 (+1). CHA 16 (+3)Abilities Arcana +4, Perception +3, Stealth +7Senses darkvision 60 foot., passive Opinion 13Languages Draconic, SylvanChallenge 1 (200 XP) for a reddish, orange colored, or yellowish faerie dragon; 2 (450 XP) for a green, azure, indigo, or vioIet faerie dragonSuperior lnvisibility. As a reward actions, the dragon can magically turn hidden until its focus finishes (as if concentrating on a mean). Any apparatus the dragon wears or holds is undetectable with it.Limited Telepathy.

Faerie Dragon 5e Stats Guide

Using telepathy, the dragon can magically connect with any additional faerie dragon within 60 foot of it.Magic Resistance. The dragon has benefit on conserving throws against spells and various other magical results.Innate Spellcasting. Thé dragon's innate spellcasting capability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately throw a number of spells, needing no materials elements. As the dragon ages and adjustments colour, it gains additional spells as shown below.Crimson, 1/day time each: dancing lamps, mage hand, minimal illusionOrange, 1/day time: color sprayYellow, 1/day: reflection imageGreen, 1/time: suggestionBlue, 1/day time: major imageIndigo, 1/time: hallucinatory terrainViolet, 1/day time: polymorph. Dancing LightsEvocation CantripCasting Period: 1 actionRange: 120 feetComponents: Sixth is v, S, Michael (a little bit of phosphorus ór wychwood, or á glowworm)Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minuteYou produce up to fóur torch-sized lights within range, making them show up as torches, lanterns, or shining orbs that float in the surroundings for the length. You can also combine the four lamps into one shining vaguely humanoid form of Moderate size.

Whichever type you choose, each light sheds dim light in a 10-feet radius.As a reward motion on your convert, you can move the lamps up to 60 ft to a new spot within range. A light must become within 20 feet of another lighting made by this spell, and a lighting winks out if it exceeds the spell's variety. Mage HandConjuration CantripCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 30 feetComponents: Sixth is v, SDuration: 1 minuteA spectral, suspended hand appears at a point you select within range. The hands continues for the length of time or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand goes away if it is definitely ever more than 30 feet aside from you ór if you throw this mean once again.You can make use of your actions to control the hand. You can use the hands to change an item, open up an revealed doorway or box, stow or obtain an item from an open box, or put the items out of á vial.

You cán shift the hand up to 30 ft each period you use it.The hands can't strike, activate miraculous products, or bring more than 10 lbs. Small IllusionIllusion CantripCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 30 feetComponents: H, M (a little bit of fleece)Period: 1 minuteYou create a audio or an image of an object within variety that can last for the period. The impression also ends if you dismiss it as an activity or throw this mean again.If you create a audio, its volume can array from a whispér to a scream. It can end up being your voice, someone else'beds voice, a Iion's roar, á beating of percussion, or any some other sound you choose.

The audio proceeds unabated throughout the period, or you can make discrete noises at various times before the spell ends.If you produce an picture of an objéct-such as á chair, muddy footprints, or a small chest-it must end up being no larger than a 5-feet cube. The image can't create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory impact. Physical interaction with the picture uncovers it to be an impression, because issues can pass through it.If a monster uses its action to look at the sound or image, the beast can figure out that it is an impression with a effective Intelligence (Analysis) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the impression for what it is definitely, the illusion becomes faint to the monster. Color Spray1st-level IllusionCasting Period: 1 actionRange: Self (15-foot cone)Components: V, S, M (a nip of powder or sand that will be colored reddish, yellow, and azure)Length: 1 roundA dazzling variety of flashing, colored light suspension systems from your hand.

Move 6d10; the overall is usually how several hit factors of animals this spell can impact. Creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you are affected in ascending purchase of their present hit points (ignoring subconscious animals and animals that can't observe).Starting with the beast that has the lowest current strike points, each beast impacted by this mean can be blinded until the mean ends. Subtract each animal's hit factors from the total before moving on to the animal with the following lowest hit points. A animal's strike factors must end up being equal to or much less than the staying total for that beast to become affected.At Higher Amounts.

When you toss this mean using a mean slot machine of 2nm degree or increased, roll an additional 2d10 for each slot degree above 1stestosterone levels. Mirror Picture2nd-level IllusionCasting Period: 1 actionRange: SelfComponents: V, SDuration: 1 minuteThree illusory duplicates of yourself show up in your room. Until the spell finishes, the duplicates move with you and imitate your actions, shifting placement so it's impossible to track which picture is real. You can use your motion to write off the illusory duplicates.Each period a beast targets you with an attack during the spell's duration, roll a g20 to determine whether the assault instead targets one of yóur duplicates.If yóu have three duplicates, you must move a 6 or increased to alter the attack's target to a copy. With two dupIicates, you must roll an 8 or increased. With one duplicate, you must roll an 11 or increased.A duplicate's Air conditioners equals 10 + your Dexterity changer.

If an attack hits a copy, the duplicate is demolished. A copy can become destroyed only by an strike that strikes it. It ignores all other harm and results. The spell finishes when all three duplicates are damaged.A monster is certainly unaffected by this spell if it can't observe, if it relies on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, ór if it cán perceive illusions as false, as with truesight. Suggestion2nd-level EnchantmentCasting Period: 1 actionRange: 30 feetComponents: Sixth is v, M (a snake's tongue and possibly a little bit of honeycomb or a drop of nice oil)Duration: Focus, upward to 8 hoursYou suggest a course of action (restricted to a phrase or two) and magically impact a monster you can notice within range that can listen to and understand you. Creatures that can'capital t be thrilled are immune system to this effect. The recommendation must be worded in like a manner as to make the program of action sound reasonable.

Asking the animal to stab itself, throw itself onto á spear, immolate itseIf, or do some additional obviously dangerous act ends the mean.The focus on must make a Wisdom saving toss. On a were unable save, it pursues the program of activity you referred to to the best of its capability. The suggested training course of action can keep on for the entire length of time. If the recommended activity can be finished in a shorter time, the spell finishes when the issue finishes what it was questioned to perform.You can also specify circumstances that will induce a unique activity during the length. For illustration, you might recommend that a dark night provide her warhorse to the very first beggar she meets. If the condition isn't met before the spell expires, the action isn't performed.If you ór any of yóur buddies harm the focus on, the spell ends. Main Picture3rd-level IllusionCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 120 feetComponents: V, S, Michael (a bit of fleece)Length: Focus, up to 10 minutesYou generate the image of an item, a monster, or some additional visible trend that is definitely no bigger than a 20-foot cube.

The picture seems at a spot that you can observe within range and endures for the duration. It appears completely true, including sounds, scents, and temperature appropriate to the thing portrayed.

You can't develop sufficient temperature or cool to result in harm, a sound loud enough to offer thunder harm or deafen a animal, or a smell that might sicken a creature (like a trogIodyte's stench).Mainly because long as you are within variety of the impression, you can make use of your activity to result in the image to shift to any some other spot within variety. As the picture changes location, you can change its appearance so that its movements appear organic for the picture.

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For example, if you create an image of a animal and move it, you can alter the picture so that it seems to end up being walking. Similarly, you can trigger the illusion to make different noises at different times, also making it bring on a discussion, for instance.Physical connections with the image reveals it to be an impression, because stuff can complete through it. A monster that uses its action to look at the picture can figure out that it is certainly an illusion with a productive Cleverness (Analysis) check against your spell save DC. If a beast discerns the illusion for what it will be, the animal can find through the picture, and its additional sensory qualities become weak to the animal.At Higher Ranges. When you team this mean using a mean slot of 6th level or increased, the mean endures until dispelled, without requiring your focus. Hallucinatory Landscape4th-level IllusionCasting Time: 10 minutesRange: 300 feetComponents: Sixth is v, S, M (a stone, a twig, and a little bit of natural flower)Period: 24 hoursYou create natural ground in a 150-foot cube in variety look, sound, and odor like some other type of natural terrain. Therefore, open areas or a road can be produced to resemble a swamp, mountain, crevasse, or some other challenging or impassable surfaces.

A fish-pond can end up being made to seem like a grassy meadow, a precipice like a gentle incline, or a róck-strewn gully Iike a wide and simple road. Fabricated structures, equipment, and creatures within the region aren'testosterone levels changed in look.The tactile characteristics of the terrain are unchanged, so animals getting into the region are likely to observe through the illusion. If the difference isn't obvious by touch, a monster carefully evaluating the illusion can try an Cleverness (Investigation) check out against your mean save DC tó disbeIieve it. A beast who discerns the impression for what it is, sees it as a hazy image superimposed on the terrain. Polymorph4th-level TransmutationCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 60 feetComponents: Sixth is v, S, Meters (a caterpillar cocoon)Duration: Focus, upward to 1 hourThis spell transforms a monster with at least 1 hit stage that you can discover within range into a fresh form.

An reluctant beast must create a Knowledge saving toss to prevent the effect. A shapechanger immediately succeeds on this keeping toss.The modification will last for the length of time, or until the focus on falls to 0 hit points or dies. The brand-new type can become any beast whose challenge rating is certainly similar to or much less than the focus on's (or the target's level, if it doesn't have a problem ranking). The focus on's video game statistics, including mental ability scores, are usually replaced by the data of the chosen animal. It keeps its alignment and personality.The focus on assumes the strike factors of its new type.

When it réverts to its regular type, the creature earnings to the quantity of hit factors it got before it transformed. If it réverts as a result of losing to 0 strike points, any extra damage bears over to its normal form. Mainly because very long as the excessive damage doesn'testosterone levels decrease the monster's regular type to 0 hit factors, it isn't pulled subconscious.The monster is limited in the activities it can execute by the nature of its fresh form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or get any various other activity that requires hands or presentation.The target's equipment melds into the fresh type. The creature can't activate, make use of, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its devices. Melee Tool Strike: +7 to strike, achieve 5 ft., one monster.

Strike: 1 piercing harm.Euphoria Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales a puff of excitement fuel at one beast within 5 feet of it. The focus on must succeed on á DC 11 Wisdom conserving toss, or for 1 moment, the target can'capital t take responses and must roll a d6 at the start of each of its spins to determine its habits during thé turn:1-4. The target will take no activity or reward action and utilizes all of its movement to move in a arbitrary direction.5-6.

The focus on doesn'testosterone levels shift, and the just matter it can perform on its switch is create a DC 11 Knowledge saving toss, finishing the impact on itself on a success.